Packages that get results
We all have a set of values that drive us. So where does health sit on your values list?
If it tends to be a bit further down that list, then you will need to be kept on track, and kept accountable for the changes that you make on your journey.
When you experiment with your health, you learn things. With learning, you gain awareness; and with this awareness you can really understand how YOUR body works. You are an individual, and when you obtain a deep understanding of your body’s unique function, then you are a few steps ahead in the health game. You can make better decisions, and eventually, make less effort and get more results.
Choose the package that suits your lifestyle right now, and let’s get started.
Detoxify My Body
This package runs for 8 weeks with changes made at each online call. We move through elimination of certain foods; we add in certain foods; we take on certain practices - all with the intention of removing toxins from the body; encouraging detoxification organs to work efficiently; and adding the right nutrients into your diet that will support the detoxification pathways throughout the body. This will be a deep dive into your own body’s function, and you will gain so much knowledge.
At the completion of this program you will feel LIGHT, CLEAN and FRESH.
COST: $888 including supplements
Foundation Program
This 6 week program allows you to fully understand what it takes to nourish your whole body from head to toe. You will learn which foods suit your body and are the most nourishing for you as an individual.
You will be guided through different eating habits, lifestyle habits and routines when it comes to the food you are consuming each day. Many people often feel tired, lethargic, unhappy, foggy, inflamed and unproductive because they are nutrient-deficient; so let’s reverse that!
COST: $666, including supplements
Immune Kicker
These days, it’s not just during Winter that we need to be focusing on our immune system - it’s all year round.
This is the system in our bodies that will prevent us from getting sick, so we really need to understand what is affecting it.
This program contains 4 sessions, where you will learn the basics of how your immune system works; which nutrients are ESSENTIAL for it to work; and which other systems and organs contribute to the overall success of your ability to stay well. We will go through changes in your diet and lifestyle so that your body feels strong and supported throughout all 12 months of the year.
COST: $297
Nutrition Basics
This 4 week program is specifically designed for young adults aged 18-25 yrs. It operates within an online group call each week for 4 weeks. We move through the program learning practical ways to bring nutritious and delicious foods into your diet, that taste good and are easy to prepare.
This program could have a long-lasting impact on your health forever.
There will be start dates posted on social media throughout the year.
COST: $180 (or $45 per week)