Our consultation design is tailored to the individual and we never take a one size fits all approach.
Discussing your health, your food, your body and your well being will give you a deeper understanding of what it takes to achieve optimal health.
We bring deep, functional expertise, but are known for our holistic perspective of general wellness. There is a lot to learn about yourself and how your body functions, so we will be embarking on a journey of discovery and appreciation of oneself. If you’ve been searching for your true essence, this is where we will find it. Eat well, exercise well, think well and importantly, sleep well.
We also help you with your mental wellbeing through food and education. Good whole foods will begin to transform your body and also alter the way that you handle your emotions, respond to stress and also your general outlook on life. Having a healthy eating lifestyle has many benefits. It lifts your mood, promotes resilience in difficult situations and helps you get the most out of life. It gives you that mental energy, vitality, strength and clarity of mind you are searching for on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live or how you’re feeling – taking quality time for yourself will help you be a happier and more resilient you.
When you have built confidence and gained momentum by understanding yourself better, we can help you to connect and build relationships with others. We have a great support group that shares the same passion for a healthy and joyful life. You will be amazed how wonderful it is to share with a community of people that understand you.
The Food deFined Crew genuinely wants to make a difference to people's lives and we want to touch as many hearts as we possibly can in a positive and vibrant way.
All consultations are strictly private & confidential.