Trusting Your Mind to Trust Your Body
The basis of wellness, I believe, is all about the relationship that your mind and your body have with each other. When you are able to nurture this connection and make it stronger, everything in the body flows better, operates better and creates a state of calm, and of confidence.
The body will give you certain symptoms, feelings, and states. It will give you these each week, each day, even each minute; and you can be aware of these, or they can just become a part of your every day life that goes a little unnoticed.
With these signs and symptoms, comes a responsibility for your mind. You see, these symptoms will tell you when the body is uncomfortable, unhappy, out of balance, inflamed, distressed, pressurised, fatigued, upset, and not right. It is your bodies way of communicating that something is wrong, that something needs to change. The big difference between people who are ‘well’ and people are unwell, is whether you take action based on the information your body is giving.
For example; if you feel bloated half an hour after you eat a bowl of pasta – every single time – it probably means that your body struggles to digest this food, or at least has a lot of trouble with it.
The question is, what are you going to do about it? If you take action, and experiment by taking pasta out of your eating lifestyle for a certain time; then add it back in one day and see what happens, you are intentionally noticing the original symptom, and doing something about it. This immediately let’s your body know that you have acknowledged the problem, and are prepared to take pressure off your body by changing something……….this creates strength in the relationship between your mind and your body.
When this relationship becomes stronger and stronger over time, you will get to a point where your mind and body trust each other, and you’ll actually start to subconsciously gravitate towards the foods that really help your body thrive; not just survive.
Fostering the relationship between mind and body on a physical level will flow out in an emotional, psychological and spiritual level also. This is when things really start to balance out in your life, and slowly the drama just starts to fade away into the past. This is when you can make decisions based on what you know is good for you, and is the direction your life just needs to go at that point!
Of course there will be times when you second guess yourself, and when your energy is low and you feel as though you don’t have all the answers. But when you sit down again and work out which foods you may have crept back to because of convenience, and then focus your attention on what your body needs again – watch what happens.
Your body is completely amazing for so many reasons. It has all the answers you’ll ever need; it knows how to be healthy. So instead of pushing it down a certain path because your mind thinks it knows best, and ‘this is what it needs’. Stop. Breathe. Listen. Hear. Do.